With a brief to optimise space, we delivered a one-of-a-kind pool area that can be modified depending on occasion and weather.

This private residence decking project utilised TRAXION decking in Maui 140mm wide boards, and now this multifaceted pool area is the perfect place to relax.

With the decking constructed into small segments, with the help of two people, the decking can be moved around the pool area to either lay safely on top of the pool to optimise space in the backyard or placed to the side of the pool area to act as the decking and as a generous diving platform and under-croft.

BLUECHIP are the best in the business for decking, especially around the pool. With the mineral fibre composition of TRAXION decking it is moisture resistant and chlorinated water does not damage the decking. It is the best and only option for smart decking around every pool area.

Perfect in the summer for swimming and even better in the winter as a dancefloor or extra social area in the backyard, BLUECHIP has delivered a multifaceted pool area using its unequalled TRAXION decking that will make an everlasting impression in the industry.

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